Professional Services


Fluency Stuttering Disorders

Fluency/Stuttering disorders are characterized by disruptions in the natural flow of speech. Sometimes these disruptions also present with additional behaviors such as tension or unwanted body movements.

Social/Pragmatic Disorders

Social pragmatic disorders are characterized by difficulty using and understanding language in social settings. These include both verbal and non-verbal communication

Articulation Disorders

Articulation disorders include distortions and sounds produced in error that have a negative impact on speech and how well a speaker is understood. This often results in people asking your child to repeat themselves, limited understanding of your child, and increased frustration

Phonological disorders

Phonological disorders are similar to articulation disorders, but include predictable errors/patterns across groups of sounds. Phonological disorders also have a negative impact on speech intelligibility and how well others understand the speaker. 

Oral motor difficulties

Oral motor difficulties are instances where children struggle to coordinate the movements of their articulators (lips, tongue, teeth, palate and jaw). This can lead to negative impacts on their articulation, eating and swallowing. 

Early Intervention

Early Intervention is speech therapy provided to children age birth to three who are not meeting their language milestones. Early intervention includes the child as well as the parent. Our therapist will guide parents and caregivers on ways to increase communication opportunities at home. 

Language disorders

Language disorders are impairments where individuals have difficulty with the use and understanding of language. This includes, but is not limited to, difficulty following directions, understanding questions, or limited language output. 

Auditory processing disordes

Auditory processing disorder is a difficulty in understanding speech and language, particularly in noisy environments and may be related to recurring ear infections and/or hearing loss

Autism spectrum disorders

Autism spectrum disorder is an umbrella term used to describe a developmental disorder that affects all areas of communication, including receptive, expressive, and social language


Fluency/ Stuttering disorders

Fluency/ Stuttering disorders are characterized by disruptions in the natural flow of speech. Sometimes these disruptions also present with additional behaviors such as tension or unwanted body movements. 

Articulation disorders

Articulation disorders include distortions and sounds produced in error that have a negative impact on speech and how well a speaker is understood. This often results in people asking you to repeat yourself, limited understanding of your speech, and increased frustration. 

Accent Modification

Accent Modification is for individuals who are not native English speakers. The goal of accent modification is to reduce your native accent and improve your overall intelligibility.